Saturday, December 31, 2011

I Resolve to...

Well it's that time of the year again.  Time to make (and usually break) resolutions.  I know most people do not keep resolutions.  I look to my exercise class as an example of this.  At the beginning of the year there are scores of new people that seem very gung ho to get into shape.  About March they start to drift back into old habits and you never see them again.  Let's face it, most of us would rather not have to step out of our comfort zone and do something difficult, new or time consuming.  I have my students think about resolutions when we get back to school in January and I always tell them my goals.  This year my personal resolution is to spend more quality time with my family.  This includes my husband, kids, and two wee kittens we adopted at the end of 2011.  I think it is a realistic goal and quite possible to meet if I don't get bogged down with too much work overload in 2012.  My professional goal is to reread "Who Moved My Cheese"  and follow the advice therein!
Hope you have a wonderful New Year and may we all keep to our realistic goals this year!  Click on the link at the top of this post to submit your resolutions!


  1. Love your blog! I am a fellow science teacher as well and recently started blogging!

  2. Hi Kimberly! Came across your blog while looking for examples of student work for the Rock Cycle Cartoon. This is the first year my students have done them so I don't have any examples to show (I usually try to have a bullseye copy and a not even on the board copy!) Would you have any examples of cartoons from this or your water cycle that you would be willing to share!

    Thanks, Christine (

  3. I will email you a picture of a water cycle comic my students did this year. I don't know how well it will resolve as an email. I basically have them pretend they are a water drop when drawing their comic. I could also send you a copy if you need one. I did not teach rocks this year and I don't know where my example copy is:( Hope this helps! Kim

  4. I think your goals are great and very realistic!

    Thanks for linking up! Happy New Year!

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