Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mars Rover Curiosity Lands on the First Day of School

This is just the most exciting thing for an earth and space science teacher like myself.  I start back to school with students tomorrow and Curiosity lands, if everything goes as it should. 

Last year we ended the year in my astronomy unit with 6th grade and this year they come back as 7th graders to finish the astronomy unit.  This has got to be the greatest opening for an astronomy unit since Spirit and Opportunity landed!  I have been trying to find other rover lessons besides the one I wrote for this great event.  I have found a great resource through Mars Education (ASU) that has many STEM elements.  "Marsbound" brings the "E" in STEM to life by having students design a mission to mars while staying under budget and getting the best scientific return.  I would recommend this project to students 6-early college.  I will definitely be using it this year as a hook for getting students interested in science and engineering.  Here is the link:
Good luck Curiosity!  

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