Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two Great Space Science Lessons

Here are two fabulous astronomy lessons that I do with my 6th and 7th graders.  The first is an ordering activity called Cosmic Survey: What are your ideas about the universe?  This is a lesson I start out with when I begin teaching astronomy.  I comes with pictures of different objects in the universe and asks students to put them in order from smallest to largest, closest to the earth to farthest away, and youngest to oldest.  It is a wonderful beginning activity.  Here is a picture of one of my groups looking at the different pictures:

This activity can be found at this address:

Another great activity for beginning students is a lesson that incorporates plotting about 100 stars using brightness and temperature of the star.  This lesson also has some questions that go along with the graph and a couple of articles about what a star is, as well as, information on habitable zones around stars.  Here is a picture of one of my students plotting a star:

This is another great, hands-on lesson that can be found here:


Ms.M from Teachingisagift said... 1

Thank you for sharing these great activities. I am starting my unit on Space on Tuesday next week, and although I have a lot of great activities to do with my class, I can always use something new and different.
Pop by my blog and see if there is anything you can use with your class. It's funny but I am a science specialist but I rarely post about science...I'll have to change that!

Anonymous said... 3

I love the idea of having the kids create the graph themselves. What kind of questions did you have them discuss afterwards?

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